
Add A Prepare Commit Message To Customize Git Commits

Dec 13, 2022

If you work with any agile software or Github issues it is sometimes useful to prepend your commit message with a reference to the ticket or issue so commits can be associate with a work item.

Replace All Instances of a String With Sed

Nov 26, 2021

Sed, a stream editor is very powerful and can be used to quickly replace all occurrences of a string within a string or file

Searching All Your Clipboard History EVER Via Alfred In The Terminal

Jun 18, 2021

Oh-My-Zsh is a framework for Zsh, the Z shell. It is an efficiency boom for anyone that works in the terminal. There are a few auto suggest libraries that when combined can give you a fantastic suggestion to what you want to type to save you time and increase your efficiency 10-fold.

Linux (GNU) vs. Mac (BSD) Command Line Utility Differences

Aug 20, 2020

If you switch between Mac and Linux often you notice that certain command line utilities are sometimes slightly different...

Kubernetes Shortcuts & Helpers

Jul 28, 2020

If you work in CLI often enough you know how helpful it is to have shortcuts to both save time and key strokes. Check out these for kubernetes