
Level up with your javascript skills with these tips and tidbits.

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Tagged Template Literals

May 21, 2019

Javascript template literals were a welcome addition in ES6, and tagged template literals are a powerful feature that came along with it.

HTML5 Video Element

May 13, 2019

The HTML5 video element is an easy and well supported way to play video on your website.

Using Breakpoints In Dev Tools

May 07, 2019

Using breakpoints in the Google Chrome or Firefox devtools is one of the best ways to debug applications in javascript.

Default Function Params In Javascript

May 05, 2019

In Javascript with es6 you can pass in default parameters in functions.

Javascript: Pass By Reference Or By Value?

Apr 28, 2019

Is Javascript pass by reference or pass by value? In fact, it’s a little bit of both.