Don't stop git it, git it with these Git tips.
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Git: Set Case Sensivity In Mac OS X
May 09, 2019
If you’re on Mac OS X save yourself some time and change your git configuration to be case sensitive on filenames
Use Git Ignore Check to See Why a File Is Ignored
May 01, 2019
You can use the git check-ignore command to verify if your file is gitnored.
Git Dry Run Option
Apr 24, 2019
Still not 100% confident in your Git foo? You can perform some git operations with a dry-run flag to see what would happen if you were to run the command
Git Clone A Single Branch
Apr 16, 2019
Have a large git repo that you need to clone, but only need to clone one branch?
Git & Linux Dash Shortcuts
Apr 09, 2019
Using the - in linux and git can speed up your workflow and allow you to type less.