
Searching All Your Clipboard History EVER Via Alfred In The Terminal

Jun 18, 2021

Oh-My-Zsh is a framework for Zsh, the Z shell. It is an efficiency boom for anyone that works in the terminal. There are a few auto suggest libraries that when combined can give you a fantastic suggestion to what you want to type to save you time and increase your efficiency 10-fold.

Kubernetes Shortcuts & Helpers

Jul 28, 2020

If you work in CLI often enough you know how helpful it is to have shortcuts to both save time and key strokes. Check out these for kubernetes

Introduction To Alfred: Your Productivity Pal, Part 1

Nov 12, 2019

If you’re using an Apple computer you might want to check out one of our favorite mac utilities, Alfred. It is like Spotlight on steroids..

Bashrc For Terminal

Jul 07, 2019

If you spend a lot of time in the terminal you’ll find that you write some commands very often. It is a good idea to add some shortcuts to some commands so that you can do less typing and be more efficient in your command line interface (cli)

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts

Apr 17, 2019

In Gmail there are some handy shortcuts that can speed up your path to Inbox Zero