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Multi line terneray expression in terraform

Oct 07, 2021

Ternary operators can be nested in terraform's HCL. This post explains how!

Conditionals In AWS Buildspec Files

Jun 11, 2021

Writing a buildspec.yml file for your Codebuild? You might need some environment specific items and could use conditionals to achieve that

Nginx Config Test & Location Matcher Test

Oct 21, 2020

Unsure about the nginx configuration you just changed? Pass in a flag to test the configuration and be told of errors before restarting nginx...

Getting to know kubernetes

Oct 01, 2020

You've probably heard of Kubernetes aka k8s if you've chatted about devops or containerization. Is it just the shiny new(ish) thing? Let's take a look into what it is and what we can do with it.

Kubernetes Shortcuts & Helpers

Jul 28, 2020

If you work in CLI often enough you know how helpful it is to have shortcuts to both save time and key strokes. Check out these for kubernetes