Social Media Posts

Responsive Images With src set

Jun 03, 2019

Using srcset we can tell the browser which image to load to make our website faster and look better.

Using CSS Variables

Jun 02, 2019

CSS variables also known as custom properties recently received broader browser support to a point where they can be used without much thought (except in IE 11 đź‘Ž)

Google Sheets Keyboard Shortcuts

Jun 01, 2019

Speed up your Google Sheets workflow by becoming familiar with these keyboard shortcuts

Back To The Basics: Git Init & Git Branches

May 31, 2019

Git is one of the best tools out there to manage a codebase. Knowing how to initialize a new repo and being able to work under different branches is essential to working in git.

Using Snippets In Chrome Dev Tools

May 30, 2019

Using Chrome Dev Tools you can save and use snippets that can make your live a bit easier as a developer.