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Back To The Basics: Navigating The Terminal

Jun 09, 2019

As a web developer, navigating the terminal should be second nature.

Git Remote Tips

Jun 07, 2019

When you're dealing with Git, eventually you'll want to push your code to a remote repository. There are a few useful commands to be aware of.

Dev Tools Capture Screenshot

Jun 06, 2019

Using dev tools you can take a screenshot of the current webpage or portion of the webpage.

Tail Options For Viewing A File

Jun 05, 2019

Tail is a useful linux command to view the contents of a file.

Freezing Object In Javascript

Jun 04, 2019

Object.freeze() is useful to prevent an object from changing, so no new properties can be added to it, no existing properties can be removed, the enumerability can not be changed, and existing values of properties can not be changed.