Social Media Posts

Keyframes Animation Sequence Rule

Jun 20, 2019

Using the @keyframes CSS rule you can specify the steps in a CSS animation sequence by defining styles and how the element should render at a given time during the sequence.

Local Web Server With Python

Jun 19, 2019

Need a quick and easy server on your local computer? Look no further than Python’s SimpleHTTPServer.

Back To The Basics: Anchor Links For Page Linking

Jun 18, 2019

One usage of anchor links in HTML can allow a user to jump to a specific part of the page. This could be used for a table of contents, or an arrow that a user can click on to scroll them to a certain section of your webpage.

Git rev parse Uses

Jun 17, 2019

Git has an endless bags of tricks and git rev-parse is no different. It can be used to output some useful information about your Git repo.

Using Dev Tools To View & Edit Local Storage

Jun 16, 2019

Using dev tools you can view and edit local storage quickly and easily.