Social Media Posts

Using Git Stash

Jun 27, 2019

Git stash is a great way to maintain your current work and switch to another branch quickly.

Cookies In Dev Tools

Jun 26, 2019

Cookies are increasingly in the conversation these days and knowing how to edit, create, and clear them as a web developer from your browser is extremely important.

Using Linux History

Jun 25, 2019

One really nice feature of Linux is its ability to maintain a history of the commands you typed in.

Linting & Fixing In Javascript

Jun 24, 2019

As javascript matures there have been a proliferation of linting tools that can help improve the state of your codebase.

HTML Meta Tags

Jun 23, 2019

The HTML meta tag goes in the <head> of your webpage and allows you to provide name value pairs that isn’t viewable by your webpage viewers, but rather machine parseable information about your webpage.