Social Media Posts

What Is A CDN?

Jul 03, 2019

A CDN is a content delivery network and refers to a distributed group of servers which work together to provide extremely fast internet content.

Intro To Styled Components

Jul 02, 2019

The idea of CSS in JS was a concept that was first talked about in 2014 and some dismissed it as nonsense...

Intro To JSON & JSON Schema

Jul 01, 2019

As a web developer, it’ll be hard to not come across JSON or JavaScript Object Notation, so understanding it is important as a webdev.

Back To The Basics: JavaScript On A Webpage

Jun 30, 2019

JavaScript on your webpage adds a whole world of interactiveness, flexibility, and potential. As a web developer knowing some javascript will make you a stronger developer and allow you to make single page applications, mac or windows applications, and server applications as well.

Understanding Docker Port Mappings

Jun 29, 2019

Docker allows you to map ports to what is available (exposed) to the host and what is available to the container.