Social Media Posts

Docker Volumes

Jul 11, 2019

A docker volume allows you to persist data generated by and used by Docker containers.

A Nicer Force Git Push

Jul 09, 2019

Most of us have had to git push --force before to overwrite the remote history of your repository. There is a flag that is a bit safer...

Save Console Log Contents

Jul 08, 2019

Did you know in chrome dev tools you can save the contents of your console log?

Bashrc For Terminal

Jul 07, 2019

If you spend a lot of time in the terminal you’ll find that you write some commands very often. It is a good idea to add some shortcuts to some commands so that you can do less typing and be more efficient in your command line interface (cli)

Iterables In Javascript

Jul 06, 2019

Iterators are a way to loop over any collection in JavaScript.