Markdown Basics
Markdown is one of the most popular markup languages and is ubiquitous with web development. Once embraced, it is a powerful and easy to use language to write text. Its syntax is relatively straight forward and a markdown document is fairly easy to convert to any other format. Let’s get familiar with the syntax:
H1 # Header 1
H6 ###### Header 6
Italics *word* or _word_
Bold **word**
Strikethrough ~~word~~
Links [link name](
Images ![alt text][logo]
Code `my code`
Code Block ```my code block```
Block quote > my quote
There are some great tools to convert markdown to other formats. is a great online tool to take some markdown and convert it to multiple formats. markdown-pdf is another great tool on npm to take a markdown file and quickly convert it to a PDF. There are a number of other tools and ways to convert markdown. The sooner you embrace markdown as a web developer, the better!
Read more about it in the markdown guide