Behind The Scenes: Edition 2 - Adding Search To A Static Site

We recently added the ability to search on our website. In total, we’re using: React and Lunrjs for our search functionality. Lunrjs is simpler, javascript version of solr which is an open source enterprise search platform. If you’ve heard of elasticsearch, solr is a similar product to that.

First, we build out jekyll documents into a JSON array and expose them to the window object using javascript:

  const documents = [];
  // we make the array of categories a string so our search index will pick up each
  { % for post in site.posts % }
      const doc = {
          excerpt: "",
          title: "",
          type: "",
          categories: [],
          categoriesString: "",
          date: "",
          link: ""
  { % endfor % }

There is some complexity that we handle by passing in flags to which type of collection we want to index on that particular page:

{ % if page.blogDocs % }
    { % for post in site.posts % }
        // same loop heres previous
    { % endfor % }
{ % endif % }

{ % if page.socialDocs % }
    { % for post in % }
        // same loop heres previous
    { % endfor % }
{ % endif % }

// in our respective templates
  socialDocs: true

  blogDocs: true

index.html (homepage):
  socialDocs: true
  blogDocs: true

Check part two of how we integrated this search with React to render the results.

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