Back To The Basics: Anchor Links For Page Linking
One usage of anchor links in HTML can allow a user to jump to a specific part of the page. This could be used for a table of contents, or an arrow that a user can click on to scroll them to a certain section of your webpage.
If you create a HTML element with an id, you can then reference that ID with an anchor link and clicking on link will direct the user to the element:
We are creating a table of contents with anchor links
that reference ID's. We use a hash (#) which specifies an internal
target location
<a href="#my-section">My Great Section Link</a>
<a href="#my-section-2">My Second Great Section Link</a>
When clicking on the anchor link it will take the user to the
specified element with that ID
<div id="my-section">My Great Section</div>
<div id="my-section-2">My Second Great Section</div>
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